Hen House

The Fall with my 6 Sweeties!

Enky      Elenore


Elenore and Susan

The Girls have grown!  I took these this summer.


Lazy Susan


I like this one because it looks like the girls are telling secrets about Elenore  who is left out.


what a fat butt

Helga Mae

look what they do to my yard!



Cleopatra, Enky, and Mojo


Cleopatra looking for predators.

Elenore Rigby



They really like to pick on my dog and the cats.  This is Pandora, pretending they don't matter but ready to leave at a moments notice.


 John got me this extremely cute Chicken House for my birthday.






Thursday April 25th

The seedlings are taking off!  Pumpkins, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Red Pepper, Sereno Pepper, Tomatoes, Cilantro, and Green Onions.  I may have over did it so some friends are going to take some of them off my hands.  I have over 100 plants!!

The chicks are 5weeks today!  Every time we take the partial lid off the box Mojo flies up and perches on the rim!  Enky is still my buddy.  She lets me hold her all the time and will even let me pet her while she is in the brooder.

 Red Peppers

Lazy Susan is starting to get her crown.

 Helga cleaning her wings-


Wednesday April 17th

So the chicks will be 4 weeks old tomorrow.  They are definitely going through an 'Ugly' phase.  I call it the teenage days.  They still have fuzz around their necks but feathers everywhere else.  They are growing tails and some are quite pretty!

Cleo is still the fattest.  Enky is the most curious of me when I talk, sing or watch them.  Helga has the most beautiful tail.  I can't tell if Helga is in charge anymore because she stopped bullying everyone!  Lazy Susan still sleeps the most.  I don't think Mojo is very smart.  Not that Chickens are known for their intelligence but she seems to be clueless!  Elenor is just sweet.

They are extremely dirty.  I change their water constantly because they walk and poop in it.  Today I put a glass pan under it in hopes that they will just drink the water.  I'm going down to the IFA store today to get some pine shavings to see if that will work better.  The guy originally said just use newspaper but I'm thinking we need something new.  John is not a fan of the chickens and he is disgusted by their smell which I have to agree with.  We have them in our dining room for now but I really have to think of a new place.  They can't go outside yet and our cats, Toulouse and Pandora, want to eat them.  My birthday is coming up and I told John he could lump my gift with Mother's Day and get me a coop!  There is a guy here in town that makes nice ones for a lot less that I could build one myself.  Cross your fingers for me!


Enky is always staring at me!

Cleo is so fat!


Elenor and Enky

Lazy Susan



Look at Helga's Tail!

oh boy, I hope they get cuter



The Chicks are now a little over 3 weeks old.  They are certainly not as cute as when they first arrived!  They are loosing their fluff and growing feathers.  

Enky escaped last week.  She somehow flew out of the box, pooped a whole bunch on my plastic table cloth and fell to the floor where I found her.  She was scared and cold :(  So I had to dump out my Christmas decorations and use a higher box.  I also put a lid on half of the box.

I have been testing them to see which ones are up to being a pet more than a chicken.  3 of them, Helga/Cleo/Lazy Susan are not in the running.  They are not that thrilled to be touched.  Mojo, Elenor and Enky will actually fall asleep in my hands.  I also play the radio for them and it helps them sleep!

The Chicks hatched one week ago today!  They have grown so much!  

We have been reading about 'Pecking Order' and there is an established leader as of yesterday.  Helga!  The problem is, that she isn't a good leader.  She is a Bully!  She pecks everyone and has claimed all the food and water as hers!  She does like to be held though and is quite sweet to us.  She has turned out to be the smallest too.   In the pictures you can see her chasing everyone else around!

 Cleo is definitely the fattest and completely submits to Helga.  Lazy Susan isn't as lazy but she is the chick that sleeps the most.  As you can see from the pictures their wings have really grown!  If you look close enough you can see what their adult feathers will look like and what color they will be.


Lazy Susan



Elenore and Susan





Helga on the Rampage


Helga chasing the girls

Lazy Susan




The Chickens are HERE!

We have 6 little ladies.  2 Americanas, 2 Buff Orphingtons, 
and 2 Brahmas.

The gentleman at IFA said that these were the most friendly.  The kids had picked out different breeds from the ad but the fancy ones were out of stock at the hatchery so we went with Plan B.

We had many visitors throughout the day...who can resist a baby chick!  After much deliberation we decided on some names!  Elenor, Lazy Susan, Cleopatra "Cleo", Enkydu (pronounced Inky-do), Mojo and Helga.  So far Cleo and Enky seem to be the dominate ones.  They are the largest.  The smallest are Elenor and Susan...they let everyone literally walk all over them.  Mojo and Helga seems to be the class clowns.  They have feathers on their legs and continuously walk in the water!

Michelle and Enky


Marilee came right over!

Taylor is refusing to ever eat chicken again.

Marilee and Enky



Lazy Susan


Lazy Susan and Mojo





Kristin and Helga

She doesn't like my dog but is willing to kiss my chicks!







Mojo and Taylor

Quinn and Elenor

Apparently Quinn doesn't have the same fears of eating chicken that Taylor does.

Elenor and big surprise Lazy Susan is sleeping!