
Day 46 Postop: Things are finally looking up consistently! Getting dressed most days, brushing my teeth at least once a day, doing car pool, cooking, showering....all good things!!!!!!!!! Still can't over due or I end up in bed for a day but I'll take it! Quinn wanted to see Thor so bad this weekend and I so wanted to get out so we went! I think that the handicap seating is by far the best and even when I'm better, I will be sitting there! I fell in the parking lot because of the light snow on the scooter made me slip. I guess that's consistent too! My knees are really suffering and have some pretty nice bruises on them. Enjoyed my family yesterday for Adam's birthday but might have to lay low today! So blessed!





Day 39: Yesterday was NOT a good day. I fell twice. I'm ok now but man did it hurt and on the second one I cried so hard I couldn't breathe! I felt like a little kid! John got me to bed and medicated me...perhaps for his own peace of mind!? I was able to make it to the doctor today and he took my stitches out which was the worst part last time. Marilee held my hand and I survived! Ok, maybe I was smarter this time and took drugs before I left the house! He said that we are not casting it at this point. Mixed feelings about that. On the one hand I feel more protected with a cast, especially if this falling thing is a new pattern. On the other, I'm able to take the boot 
off when it's swelling, now I can shower without trash bags over my leg and freak outthe kids with my 'Frankenstein foot'. Still, I have to say that when I think of the trials of others, mine look small and silly. Feeling blessed for modern medicine, progress, and hope!

Day 32: Trolled the neighborhood for drugs last night. Why do I live on such a clean street! The pharmacy was closed and needed a pain killer. So Thursday was Halloween and my first trip to Costco by myself. What are the chances a Jazzy was waiting for me in the handicapped parking?! It was a good thing because I didn't know how I was getting in there. Friday was go crazy and get ready for Emma's party-went to party supply and grocery store again by myself. I was feeling so good and independent! 
Little did I know that just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. So much pain and slight nervous breakdown Friday night! Saturday was Emma's party, and Sunday....I laid flat in bed all day! So blessed to have friends and family that did most of the work and are still speaking to me after all the orders I barked at them! Did my carpool this morning for the first time since the surgery. Oh the smell of Junior 
High kids...I have missed you. I love them!Made it back to my bed and am drinking a soda....aaaahhhh.

Day 24: Worn out! In a good way! Yesterday not only did I get dressed, made it downstairs, made a crockpot dinner but I also made it to the grocery store with Taylor and later to Joanne's with Alicia and Marilee! Adam, Taylor and Quinn did phase 2 on the chicken yard and John cleaned the chicken coop along with all the yard work. It was a nest of busy bees! Sadly, half us didn't make it to church today. Maybe we should 
have paced ourselves so we didn't all give into sinus issues today!

Day 21: Just got back from a wild ride with Marilee to see Dr. Rogers, Kristin and Tiana. I got downstairs ok and made it outside. Got to see the beautiful weather and leaves outside! Oh how I have missed them! Even sang to my chickens on the back porch...they were very excited to see me! Dr. Rogers said I'm healing well but due to the amount of swelling I still 
have that we have to hold off on the cast for another 3 weeks. The large fracture blister has started to heal. It's quite ugly and I'm crossing my fingers that there isn't an additional scar from it to go with the other to surgical scars...aren't I vain? Alicia and Emma met us for lunch 
since we were in their neighborhood. I spilled a large full glass of Dr. Pepper on my lap, which when you can't stand, is hard to clean. I looked ridicules leaving, like I had an incontinence problem. It wouldn't have been interesting without making a scene right? I'm still so happy that 
there is progress with my ankle! Still no weight bearing until January but I'm sure that there will be more and more that I can do as time passes. On a side note, I could not have done any of this without my husband. He works, cooks, cleans, does laundry, takes care of me and still does school in the evening. Taylor is going to school and work and can't help as much as she
would like to. Quinn is 13 and well ya... John's pretty much on his own running the entire house.I love him so much and I am so grateful he is in my life!

October 22
When and Where is the next DPA (Dr. Pepper Anonymous) meeting? I just took my antacid pills with Dr. Pepper...stop the madness!
You know the painkillers have started to work when Young and the Restless makes you cry!

October 21
I know everyone is probably sick of hearing from me but I am alone most of the time and this is one of my only outlets. Last week Kim and Nicole brought me two dinners, treats and much more. Tonight I also got an amazing chicken dinner, all the fixings and treats. I have struggled with my emotions the last few weeks and it's nights like tonight that get me through the rough times. Thank you!

We received the most wonderful dinner tonight! Steak, potatoes, rolls, green beans, jello, brownies , and m&m's all made with love from Sharon! We are eating like kings! Thank you sooooo much!! You are such a blessing!

Day 13: Well there is one thing we can count on in life...happiness is fleeting! New blisters...getting cast taken off tomorrow because Dr. Rogers was in surgery today. Being kept comfortable and well taken care of! I keep saying, 'it could be worse' and it really could! I at least know what it is! Diana says that with my kind of imagination, she knows that before yesterday I was thinking 'flesh eating disease', she knows me well! Everything will be ok 

Day 12: So the past week has not been a good one. My pain level was increasing rather than decreasing. Last night I had reached my breaking point. Marilee drove me to the doctors today. He took off the bandages and splint to find two 'fracture blisters'. The main one was two inches long and one inch wide. Once he started lancing it, the pain level went down dramatically! Tiana and Kristin, my friends who also happened to work at Dr. Rogers were such support because I was a total wreck. He put me on another round of antibiotics and casted my foot. It's still pretty painful but I'm no where near where I was last night. I am so blessed to have had Marilee there to get me there and take care of me afterwards. I am also blessed from my friends Kim and Nicole for dinner tonight, dinner tomorrow night and the secret stash of goodies! He said I shouldn't feel any worse from here on out and if I do, I'm not to wait to come see him! I love ya Dr. Rogers!

Day 90...oh wait, I was dreaming.

Day 6....Day 5 was pretty bad but today was awesome thanks to my buddies Diana, Kory and Taylor. In and Out delivered, Wreck it Ralph watched, and an Amazing dinner welcomed! Bring it on Day 7!

Day 4. Marilee took me to the doctors and Kristin was our awesome nurse. No cast today due to swelling...maybe in two weeks. It feels awful but I think that's to be expected! Loving this makes all the difference! Thank you to the Stikas and Deckers for the cookies! Thank you to my sister and her family for the special Mrs. fields delivery and to the Burrow's for dinner! My hubby is amazing as well as my four kids and gbaby for keeping my spirits up this weekend. Thank you to Diana for helping me get ready and to everyone that has wished me well. I feel blessed!

Well, October 4th I fell down the Rabbit Hole! This is my Ankle Fusion surgery:

April 27th 
Not a great week for the lungs! :( 

4-6 drops of Eucalyptus oil rubbed into the soles of your feet (add socks)to stop nighttime coughing and everyone can sleep! Even for asthmatic children!!!

(pictures may be disturbing to the weak of stomach!)

I wish I had some great story about my ankle.  Everyone wants it to be a ski accident but really it was just a stupid accident!  I get asked a lot what happened so here goes...

The first week in July 2012 I was getting my trash cans.  My street is flat and I was wearing tennis shoes. Heard my neighbor Tyler's voice and wanted to say 'Hi' but couldn't see him and wasn't paying attention to where I was walking.  I rolled my foot to the left and then to the right....and screamed bloody murder!  Ends up I had two fractures and a torn tendon.  I also had an extra bone that had moved and was causing trouble.  My friend Kristin works for a great podiatrist Dr. Tom Rogers and so began the next 8 months.  I was so willing to wait while we hoped some healing would occur.  We scheduled surgery for February and while in there he took out the bone, repaired the tendon and found two torn ligaments that he also repaired.

My husband was AMAZING!  My nurse Taylor and Quinn waited on me hand and foot(and ankle).  Adam and Alicia were part of the nursing staff too and Emma's job was to make me smile.  Dave made me cookies, Diana brought me dinners,Juan my fave mexican dish, Nicole&Kim dinner&Treats, Deckers treats, Marilee dinner, Nicole-Keri-Suzanne my carpool...and so much more!!!!!!  So incredibly BLESS!
First Cast February 15th
My Beautiful nurse and bagelista Taylor

So the first cast was too tight(i'm a sweller) and so while I was getting a new cast I took a few pictures.  This is about 2 weeks after surgery.

Second Cast February 21st
I flew to Dallas for my Dad's 80th and met lots of Neices and  Nephews.  This is Ellie decorating my cast.  She is soooo cute!
Final Product...Quinn also added some 'Slender Man' drawings

It's a weird thing to have your friend Kristin taking off your cast  while your other friend Tiana watches!  So grateful they work for Dr. Rogers.  Especially when I freaked out and cried like a baby when the stitches were painful!

Add caption

Right before stitches were removed

I'm now in a boot and see Dr. Rogers on Tuesday to see how I'm doing.  I can't believe that this simple thing has turned into this and taken so long!  I'm just glad I don't have crutches anymore...I'm crutch impaired and kept falling!

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